A slow but steady trickle of rumors have seeped into our inboxes as of late, concerning a startling move by Microsoft many of our sources see as The Next Big Threat.
According to many of our sources, in the recent months, Microsoft has been rewriting the source code to their own flavor of UNIX, called Xenix. Their goal is to finally release a new version optimized for the Pentium, MMX Pentium, Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors. Sources also say that, thanks to ActiveX knowledge, MS will compile support for ActiveX and JScript right into the kernel!
If this is true, Linux is in big trouble. This move is reminiscent of the full 180 MS pulled after they realized they couldn't control the Internet: any move necessary will be made in order to dominate anyway; resistance if futile, you will be assimilated.
Linux should do Perl in the kernel.