Mark Wankoffski, a programmer for Real Time Intrusions, Inc., had this to share in our never-ending quest of wasting time with emulators:
You guys'll shit after you read this! The other day we received our new 300MHz G3 Mini-tower, and I decided it was time to put it through its paces. Take a deep breath and read this.
Base system was Mac OS, then RealPC with Windows, then Fusion, then Virtual PC with OS/2 Warp, then UAE, then Linux for PalmOS for Amiga, then DosEmu for Linux, then DOS-MAMEr33, then vMac for 68000 on MAME, then the R4300i emulator (the core of the Nintendo 64) with IRIX, then vMac again on top of IRIX, with vMac on top of vMac, running Virtual PC hacked (by me) to run on 68K, with BeOS for Intel running Sheepshaver on top of that, and, finally, vMac again in Sheepshaver for BeOS! Whew!
Well, it's clear that the G3 is one tough cookie. Who'da thunk you could have 15 layers of emulation? Maybe this knowledge will prod Apple into releasing Gus, the Apple // emulator, for OS X, or supporting the Apple // API.